Blind Date East

Part 1 of the Europa trilogy


"Who should pay for it?"
We were in the East. We visited industrial monuments in the Czech Republic, overcame our fear of heights and counted workers' statues. We drank oat cappuccino in Romania and climbed aboard a time travel machine. We watched a chair burn to death on an open stage in Poland, visited concentration and extermination camps in Lithuania and Poland and were on a frozen lagoon at -30 degrees. Brand new electric buses, good connections. We wrote a poem:

Toothless next to Porsche
The roads end with the city
Kra Kra Europe.

BLIND DATE EAST. Part 1 of the Europa trilogy
by and with Heike Barnard, Juliette Eröd, Lorenz Kabas, Monika Klengel, Helmut Köpping and Rupert Lehofer

General direction: Ed. Hauswirth, Johanna Hierzegger, Monika Klengel and Helmut Köpping
Set design: Heike Barnard, Johanna Hierzegger, Christina Romirer and Helene Thümmel
Technical direction: Moke Rudolf-Klengel

Monika Klengel's trip was sponsored by the European Union and the Goethe Institute.

(Translated with