Die Äffin (The female monkey)

Why we will not save the world this way

Do you get up every day? With the expectation that an adventure awaits you? And do you think you'll notice if you stay in bed? But you can't know exactly what will happen that day. You have to find out. You have to set off into an uncertain future.
And what do we do while we're still in bed? We tell each other and ourselves what the most probable future is and what the desirable future is. And how the desirable future becomes the most probable. And then we get up and act accordingly in the present. Or at least we try to.
THE AFFIN asks herself and her human alter ego: Why then is the probable future the downfall of the planet? Why are we not taking action? That can't be true. We are narrative beings. We organize ourselves by means of large and small narratives so that we can solve the tasks that lie ahead of us. We imagine something, verbalize it and then move in that direction. We overcome trials, adventures, illnesses and political crises or even just a simple shopping trip. That's how we work, the species that tells stories.
Inspired by Friedeman Karig & Samira El Ouassil's book "Erzählende Affen", Theater im Bahnhof asks how storytelling works and why it is not possible to find a narrative that helps us solve the climate crisis.

The solo will be shown as part of the thematic focus NO HOPE NO FEAR in the Endzeitcafé of the Forum Stadtpark.

WITH Monika Klengel
DIRECTOR Ed. Hauswirth
TECHNOLOGY Claudia Holzer
CAMERA Felix Klengel

in cooperation with FORUM STADTPARK


(Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator)