Invisible Care

Unsichtbare Pflege

Divna Stojanov has been an artist in residence in Graz for three months since November 2023 and has chosen the Theater im Bahnhof for artistic collaboration.

During her stay, she is working on the text "Invisible Care".

The play will be presented on January 19, 2024 at 18:00 in the TiB bar. Eva Hofer, who supported Divna in her work, will read from the text.

The play is about three 24-hour geriatric nurses from Serbia who work in Austria. The stories of Aleksandra, Dajana and Milena portray unsafe, often illegal working conditions and the emotional labor that this profession entails, while no law, agency or contract protects them. The play explores themes such as privilege, exploitation, misunderstandings between Western and Eastern Europe and solidarity, and asks who takes care of the women while they take care of others.


Divna Stojanov has a bachelor's and master's degree in dramaturgy from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, Serbia. She writes plays and works as a dramaturge. This year she has won the most important prizes (Jovan Sterija Popović) for theater criticism in Serbia.

(Translated with