Mission Sant Climent

KRA as guest at TiB

The conference is over, the committees have met, another summit is over. So we now know about the essential problems of our world and our time, and we know who is dealing with them: serious men, in serious clothes, with serious expressions in big cities, at big tables, with big speeches and big gestures. And yet little seems to be happening. One has the impression that the conflicts are increasing, new crises are emerging and the old ones have long since hardened or are flaring up again. Everything seems to be interwoven and yet can only be solved individually: Everything seems so infinitely complex.

Yes, when you look at the big world and the big problems in it, you sometimes feel quite small and alone. But we are not alone, there are two of us. We are KRA! And we are dedicated to the major crises of our time. We move out and travel to wherever there are problems. However, we do not go to the centers and core areas, to the metropolises of the conflict, but to its borders, to the margins and the periphery. From one backwater to another. We are not looking at the big world, but at the small world. Because that's where we come from and that's where we know our way around. And that's also where we learned that there is hardly any problem that can't be tackled and perhaps even solved with a proper conversation, an argument and a schnapps.

The KRA performance collective sees itself as an interdisciplinary satire project. Two artists from a small village in Eastern Styria travel to various places around the world and claim to resolve the conflicts that prevail there. For Mission Sant Climent, we focus on the independence crisis in Catalonia.

Concept & Performance: Nora Köhler & Vera Kopfauf
Music: Jakob Kolb
Dramaturgy: David Wimmer
Assistance: Marlen Weingartmann
Outside Eye: Victoria Fux & Gabriela Hiti
Technology: Moritz Ostanek

(Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator)
